Toilet training for your child

The actress and wife of actor Ricky Harun, Herfiza is now a mother with two children. Her activities as a mother in taking care of her two children, Mikaila Akyza Pratama and Athaya Akyza Pratama are often shared via Instagram. One of the often shared moments is of course related to the growth and development of the two children. The latest, Herfiza was busy with the activity of introducing toilet training to her second child.

"When is the right time for toilet training children?

When I first became a mother, the benchmark of my child was diaper, which was to see other children who were more or less the same age as my child. "If the child can, it means that my child must also be able to!" I thought at that time.

But it didn't work. What is there, even my child is not ready and I am too imposing just because it compares it with a child of his age, "wrote Herfiza in fragments of photo captions.

He told me, a mother's instincts that eventually pushed her to start introducing toilet training to her baby.

"Until finally I used a mother's feeling.
I feel that my child is ready for toilet training if he can already express what he wants and when I give orders or ask for help he can do it.

Not that the child must speak clearly, but when for example my child wants milk, he can already say "suuu ... suuu ..." or when I ask for help to get an item, he already understands and implements it, "he continued.

The woman who also works as a lecturer explained that children's attitudes when toilet training are different. His first child, more often sculpting, was silent, then urinated, then said that he had just urinated. While the second child, more active moving back and forth while saying "piiii..piiii ..." when urinating. Related to his experience, he shared tips for other parents to successfully run toilet training.

"So, in my opinion:
1. Don't compare your own child with someone else's child. The mother knows exactly when the child is ready.
2. Don't give up. At the time of the beginning, it must be "missed". Just repeat. Later the child will get used to the toilet training pattern.
3. If children cry, panic or wet their bed, don't be scolded, give them peace. Hug and say "it's okay ... later if you want to pee again say yes ..."
4. When the child is successful, don't forget to give praise and hugs.

Yesterday when my second child managed to pee in the bathroom, the "moment" was witnessed abuzz by my husband and my first child in the bathroom with applause and cheers.

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